Thursday, May 7, 2009

Around L.A.

These probably aren't the normal images a general tourist
would consider when thinking of L.A.
Of course there's the ugly side of any largely populated city.
On this particular trip I was searching for the
beauty that is so often overshadowed by
dusty streets and crowded neighborhoods.
This is what I found...

One thing's for sure...Southern California has some
unusual and AMAZING vegetation and floral over growth.
There were so many types of trees and flowers
that I had never seen before.

I will always be a sucker for stucco and over grown vines.
It's romantically hypnotic in an old Spanish sort of way.


chelsea said...

Oooh. Every time I visit CA I am in awe of the amazing vegatation. I wish I lived there! You captured in beautifully!

Ann Marie said...

great photos! thanks for posting them!

Ann Marie said...

great photos! so glad you posted them!